El maravilloso mundo de los estudios

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Raúl García Luna el 1 de febrero de 2011 at 11:17

El maravilloso mundo de los estudios es algo que me fascina, estudios falsos, alterados, a menudo contradictorios, y de vez en cuando alguno que te abre la mente, si no otra cosa.

En este caso en concreto se podría deducir que los "agresivos" jugadores de Shooters acostumbrados a actuar rápidamente son unos conductores excelentes.

Dicho de otra manera, te convierte en una ameba irresponsable. Partiendo de aquello de que eres lo que comes… ¿Somos lo que jugamos? ¡Claro que no!, Os dejo que voy a matar dragones.

A new study by AUK-based tire manufacturer Continental Tyres found that people who spend time playing driving games are more dangerous when behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

bad influence on players. In other words, they took the virtual driving schools out into the real world.

"Gamers take more risks than non-gamers, possibly due to the lack of real consequences in the game," said Tim Bailey, safety expert at Continental Tyres.

Testing of two groups of 18-25 year-olds revealed that were better able to make quick decisions and answer questions–up to 25 percent faster than the slow-paced gaming group.

But it’s not just quickness that comes from the action gaming. Accuracy was just as good as the slow-paced group. In other words, the action gamers were able to evaluate the information presented and make the right choice more quickly–.

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